PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

On new invariants of supersymmetric quantum field theories

by Prof. Pei Du (University of Southern Denmark)

B105 (CHEP)




In this talk, we will explore a new type of invariants of supersymmetric quantum field theories that comes from stable homotopy theory. As a concrete application, I will demonstrate that the theory of topological modular forms can be used to rule out the existence of an infinite set of "extremal CFTs", including those with central charges c = 48, 72, 96 and 120.

Brief Bio: Du Pei is currently an associate professor of quantum mathematics at the University of Southern Denmark. He obtained his Ph.D. in theoretical physics in 2016 from Caltech. His main research interests concern the geometric, algebraic and categorical properties of quantum field theory.  

Tecent Meeting:998-972-260

Organised by

Prof. Yinan Wang