PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Spectral distortions of astrophysical blackbodies as axion probes

by Xuheng Luo (Johns Hopkins University)

B105 (CHEP)




Recent studies reveal that more than a dozen of white dwarfs displaying near-perfect blackbody spectra in the optical range have been lurking in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalog. In this talk, I will show that in a way analogous to the Cosmic Microwave Background, these stars serve as excellent testbeds for new physics. Specifically, I will show how their observed lack of spectral distortions translates into limits on the parameter space of axions with electromagnetic coupling.

Xuheng Luo is a graduate student in the particle physics theory group at Johns Hopkins University under the supervision of Prof. David E. Kaplan. He obtained B.Sc. from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2020. His research interest is developing novel ways of probing physics beyond the standard model.


Organised by

Dr. Shuailiang Ge