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parallel III

17 Dec 2023, 09:00
Dehan Hotel

Dehan Hotel

No 2 Jida Road, Xiangzhou district, Zhuhai

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
YILUN DU (Shandong Institute of advanced technology)
17/12/2023, 09:20
Omar Elgedawy (South China Normal University)
17/12/2023, 09:40
Wenchang Xiang (Guangzhou Maritime University)
17/12/2023, 10:50
Yao Li (Central China Normal University)
17/12/2023, 11:50
Lijia Jiang (Northwest University)
17/12/2023, 14:20
Xinli Zhao (Fudan University)
17/12/2023, 17:10
Ze-Fang Jiang (Central China Normal University)
17/12/2023, 17:30
自强 张 (中国地质大学(武汉))
18/12/2023, 09:20
宣敏 操 (暨南大学)
18/12/2023, 09:40
Yidian Chen (Hangzhou Normal University)
18/12/2023, 10:50
庆军 刘 (Beijing Institute of Petro-chemical Technology)
18/12/2023, 11:50
Building timetable...