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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

What Can We Learn From EHT And Future Space VLBI Observations of Black Holes?

by Dr He Jia (Princeton University)

B105 (CHEP)




Recently, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration presented the first images of the plasma around the super massive black holes in M87* and Sgr A*. These results not only improve our understanding of black hole astrophysics, but also open a new way to quantitatively study strong-field general relativity. I will first summarize some recent advances in this direction, as well as their limitation due to current EHT resolution and our poor understanding of the plasma physics in the accretion flows. I will then demonstrate that we can hopefully detect a “universal” signature that is much less sensitive to the astrophysical uncertainties with a planned space-based extension of EHT. I will present some preliminary results on the detectability of such signal using very high resolution GRMHD ray tracing images.

He Jia (贾赫) is a PhD Candidate at Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, who obtained his BS in Physics at Peking University in 2020. He is broadly interested in Black Holes, Cosmology and Machine Learning, with a focus on how to constrain fundamental physics with astrophysical observations. Currently, he is studying what we can learn from Event Horizon Telescope images, photon ring autocorrelations, as well as future space-based VLBI observations of Super Massive Black Holes. He also works on extracting information from cosmological Large Scale Structures with Simulation Based Inference.


Organised by

Prof. Bin Chen