A wide range of absolute measurements by the LHCb experiment at the LHC as well as a safety of the experiment operations, demand a reliable determination of the instantaneous and integrated luminosity. This is performed with relevant detector and analysis approaches. LHCb luminosity history and challenges of operation at increased luminosity during run 3 will be discussed.
About the speaker:
Dr. Sergey Barsuk is a researcher in Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie at Orsay (IJCLab, CNRS and Paris-Saclay University). His domaines of interest is high-energy physics and in particular flavour and hadronic physics, but also instrumentation - micropattern gaseous detectors, new technologies in calorimetry and luminometers, accelerator and medical physics. He is the first one who proposed to study the charmonium production via their hadronic decays at LHCb, and has played the leading role in such studies.
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