10:40 AM
Neutrino oscillation, Seesaw Mass and Matter-antimatter Asymmetry
xiao-gang he
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
11:00 AM
Neutrino mixing and Leptonic CP Violation - Theory and Experimental Tests
(SISSA/INFN, Trieste, Italy)
11:20 AM
Neutrino oscillations and the prospects for New physics
Jose W.F. Valle
11:40 AM
Neutrino mass generation: connections with other aspects of particle physics
Raymond Volkas
(The University of Melbourne)
12:00 PM
Can quantum statistics help distinguish Dirac from Majorana neuitrinos?
Evgeny Akhmedov
12:20 PM
Supernova neutrinos
Meng-Ru Wu