Neutrino oscillation has enabled many discoveries over the past few decades. As the most abundant massive particles in the universe, neutrinos provide a promising window to probe fundamental physics. Despite their omnipresence, neutrinos are challenging to detect as they interact very rarely with matter. Questions surrounding their nature and potential role in the universe's matter-antimatter asymmetry remain unresolved. One proven detector technology for studying neutrinos in detail is the liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC), which has been adopted by many accelerator-based neutrino experiments including the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino program and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. In this talk, I will discuss the potential of LArTPCs for neutrino physics and their prospects for development in the future.
个人简介:吴万伟,2010年四川大学物理学本科毕业,2018年获得美国密西西比大学物理学博士学位,2018年至今先后在美国费米国家加速器实验室和匹兹堡大学担任博士后研究助理。博士期间主要参与费米实验室缪子g-2实验。目前主要参与基于加速器的中微子实验:DUNE、MicroBooNE、 ArgoNeuT、SBND和NOvA实验,主要工作涉及到探测器物理和校准、电子学读数系统、中微子事例重建和物理分析等研究。
Prof. Qiang Li