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[POSTPONED] Seach for heavy higgs and long-lived particles at LHC


A415 Main Building (IHEP)

A415 Main Building



Compelling experimental evidence strongly supports searches for new particles predicted by theories Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the ATLAS experiment is ideally suited for detecting heavy states like heavy Higgs, and the new FASER experiment can complementarily be used to search for the long-lived particle produced at ATLAS interaction point. In this talk I will present the search for heavy higgs decaying into di-boson at ATLAS, and the first physics results from FASER, i.e. world-leading constraints on dark photon at ~100 MeV and the first direct observation of collider neutrinos. Specifically I will highlight the state-of-art track and vertex reconstruction which will help to fully utilize the discover potential of the LHC.

About the speaker:

Ke Li is a research scientist at University of Washington. He earned the BS and Ph.D in particle physics from Shandong University and conducted postdoctoral research at the IHEP, SLAC and University of Washington. His primary focus is the search for new physics at the LHC experiments, including heavy higgs and long-lived particle, as well as the offline software development including the track reconstruction and GPU-based accelerator. He is currently leading the Inner Detector Trigger group in ATLAS and track reconstruction and detector alignment working groups in FASER.



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