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24–29 Nov 2023
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Center
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Deciphering the Dual Components of LHAASO J2032

Not scheduled
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Center

Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Center

No. 1500 Kezhi Road, Tianfu New Area, Chengdu, China
Poster report(print size: 0.6m Wide*1.2m High)


Chao-Ming Li (南京大学天文与空间科学学院)


LHAASO J2032 is an ultra-high-energy extended gamma-ray source, one of the twelve first reported by LHAASO in 2021. It is potentially linked to the gamma-ray binary system J2032+4127. With four years data from the LHAASO, we have now resolved two distinct components within this source. The first is a compact source situated close to the binary system, exhibiting an exceptionally hard spectrum—likely a result of inverse Compton scattering. Besides, the sharp cutoff of SED indicates a super-exponential cutoff power-law electron spectrum, imposing significant constraints on theories of particle acceleration mechanisms. The second is an extended source characterized by a comparatively soft spectrum. Intriguingly, both components demonstrate a cutoff energy at nearly 30 TeV.

Primary authors

Chao-Ming Li (南京大学天文与空间科学学院) Cong Li (IHEP) Chuan-Dong Gao Ruo-Yu Liu Felix Aharonian (MPIK/DIAS)

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