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Quark masses and low energy constants in the continuum from Lattice QCD

by Prof. Yibo Yang


摘要 We present the light-flavor quark masses and low energy constants using the 2+1 flavor full-QCD ensembles with stout smeared clover fermion action and Symanzik gauge actions. Both the fermion and gauge actions are tadpole  improved self-consistently at the 0.002\% level. The simulations are performed on 11 ensembles at 3 lattice spacings $a\in[0.05,0.11]$ fm, 4 spatial sizes $L\in[2.5, 5.1]$ fm, 7 pion masses $m_{\pi}\in[135,350]$ MeV, and several values of the strange quark mass. The quark mass is defined through the partially conserved axial current (PCAC) relation and renormalized to $\overline{\mathrm{MS}}$ 2 GeV through the intermediate regularization independent momentum subtraction (RI/MOM) scheme. The possibility of using the symmetric momentum subtraction (SMOM) scheme is also examined.

个人介绍 杨一玻,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员。长期从事格点量子色动力学(LQCD)的强子结构研究,专注于质量的强相互作用起源,以及强子内部结构。组建了CLQCD合作组的强子结构部门(LatticeParton合作组)并担任发言人,并参与实现了LQCD软件在多种国产E级超算架构上的移植与全机运行。已发表Physical Review Letters 11篇,H-index32。2017年关于核子自旋中胶子贡献的工作入选了美国物理学会年度亮点。