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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Signatures of Self-Interacting Dark Matter: from Modeling to Observations

by Daneng Yang (school of physics Peking Uniersity)

W206 (CHEP)




Abstract: In this talk, I'll introduce our recent efforts in modeling the effect of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and making contact with small-scale observations. I'll start by reviewing the background of our studies and introducing a parametric model for SIDM halos that enables obtaining theoretical predictions based on a few simple equations. I'll then delve into our dedicated studies addressing various challenges in observations and discuss their implications for SIDM. Confronting the rich and intricate small-scale data, I'll also briefly touch upon our recent endeavors in applying network theory and artificial intelligence in cosmological simulations. I'll comment on the potential prospect of bridging theory and observations through parametrized and graph-inspired models.

杨大能现在是加州大学河滨分校的博士后,博士和本科毕业于北京大学,曾在清华大学做博后。他近年来的研究重心是探索宇宙中暗物质的分布和相关的新物理特征。他开发了适于并行计算的暗物质的自相互作用模块,并提出了参数化的模型来快速和大批量地获得实用的结果。他同合作者们开展了从矮星系尺度到星系群尺度的多个大型宇宙学模拟,并对暗物质自相互作用引起的可能观测效应进行了探索。此外,他的研究广泛涉及宇宙的结构生成,暗物质探测,还有对撞机上对规范玻色子的产生等。他的博士论文课题为LHC上CMS实验组8 TeV Wgamma+2jets过程的测量。


Organised by

Prof. Q. Li