Parallel 4
- Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University)
Ultra-light Dark Matter (ULDM) is one of the most promising DM candidates. Due to the Bose enhancement, we find the annihilation rate of the ULDM in the presence of background photon radiation can be greatly enhanced and produce a distinctive reflected electromagnetic wave with an angular frequency equal to the ULDM mass. We propose to utilize such stimulated annihilation to probe the ULDM...
Effective field theory (EFT) provides a model-independent framework for interpreting the results of dark matter (DM) direct detection experiments. In this study, we demonstrate that two fermionic DM-quark tensor operators ($(\bar{\chi} i\sigma^{\mu\nu} \gamma^5 \chi) (\bar{q} \sigma_{\mu\nu}q)$ and $(\bar{\chi} \sigma^{\mu\nu} \chi) (\bar{q} \sigma_{\mu\nu} q)$) can contribute to the DM...
We study the feeble sterile neutrino portal dark matter under the $Z_2$ or $Z_3$ symmetry. And summarizing the differences between $Z_2$ and $Z_3$ symmetry, which are mainly reflected in the generation, transformation, and various phenomenology.
The exotic Z decays to a QCD-like dark sector provide unexplored opportunities at colliders. In this talk, we explore the region where the Z portal is generated via the mixing with a dark Z′. The phenomenological signatures of light Z’ are studied, with both dark shower signals in Z(Z') decays and exotic decays of B hadrons taken into account. The generated dark hadrons may serve as long-lived...
Recent advances in tabletop quantum sensor technology have enabled searches for nongravitational interactions of DM. Traditional axion dark matter experiments rely on sharp resonance, resulting in extensive scanning time to cover the wide mass range. In contrast, our study (named ChangE) introduces a novel method of actively tuning alkali and noble gas spins to the same Larmor frequency, where...
If the temperature of the hot thermal plasma in the Early Universe was within a few orders of magnitude of the quantum gravity scale, then the hoop conjecture predicts the formation of microscopic black holes from particle collisions in the plasma. These black holes may evaporate and produce the dark matter relic abundance observed today for a wide variety of dark matter masses. We study the...