Parallel 5
- Yun Jiang ()
The transverse spin effects can be measured at upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) and proposed Electron-Ion Collider at China (EicC) with polarized electrons or/and protons. The corresponding observables, single-spin asymmetry (SSA)/double-spin asymmetry (DSA), are suppressed in the Standard Model. We investigate the enhancement of DSA under new physical effects. We parameterize such...
In this talk, I will review the on-shell method of constructing the operator bases of effective field theories. The first task is to eliminate all the operator redundancies and obtain an independent basis, which is accomplished by adopting the Young Tensor method. Then a special basis of operators organized by representations of the symmetry groups, named J-basis, is introduced. Applications...
If the terrestrial environment is permeated by dark matter, the levitation experiences damping forces and fluctuations attributed to dark matter. This paper investigates levitodynamics with multiple stochastic forces, including thermal drag, photon recoil, feedback, etc., assuming that all of these forces adhere to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The ratio of total damping to the...
The small field inflation (SFI) of Coleman-Weinberg (CW) type suffers from precise tuning of the initial inflaton field value to be away from the true vacuum one. We propose a dynamical trapping mechanism to solve this problem: an ultra-supercooling caused by an almost scale-invariant CW potential traps the inflaton at the false vacuum, far away from the true vacuum dominantly created by the...