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ZIMP Seminars

Loops and marginal deformation in celestial holography

by 毛普健 (天津大学)


报告摘要:Four-dimensional all-loop amplitudes in QED and gravity exhibit universal Infrared (IR) singularities with a factorization structure. This structure is governed by tree amplitudes and a universal IR-divergent factor representing the exchange of soft particles between external lines. In this talk, I will present a precise dual interpretation of these universal IR-divergent factors within celestial holography. Considering the tree amplitude as the foundation of the celestial conformal field theory (CCFT), these universal factors correspond to marginal deformations in the CCFT. Our findings establish a concrete dictionary for celestial holography and offer a holographic lens to understand loop corrections in scattering amplitudes.

报告人简介:Dr. Pujian Mao is an associate professor in Tianjin University. He obtained his PhD from Free University of Brussels in 2016. After two years postdoctoral research at IHEP, he joined Tianjin University in 2018. His research interests mainly focus on applications of asymptotic symmetry in gauge and gravity theory.