PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Broadband search for WISP dark matter with BRASS-p.

by Dr Le Hoang Nguyen (University of Hamburg)


Broadband Radiometric Axion Searches (BRASS) represents a haloscope experimental framework capable of searching for axions/ALPs and hidden photons. This framework employs novel experimental approaches and synergizes with state-of-the-art broadband techniques that are developed in the field of radio astronomy.The prototype, named BRASS-p and developed at the University of Hamburg, serves as a broadband detector focused on identifying light dark matter signals in the 12-18 GHz frequency range. This presentation will discuss the detailed setup and calibration of BRASS-p, including its conversion panel, parabolic mirror, cryogenic broadband receiver, and digital backend system. We will present the first results in our search for hidden photon dark matter, as discussed in, adhering to the dark matter projections of the Standard Halo Model. Following this, a discussion on the sensitivity of BRASS-p in exploring exotic dark matter phenomena, such as miniclusters and streams, will be conducted.

Dr. Le Hoang Nguyen is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg, specializing in light dark matter experimental research. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Science Ho Chi Minh City and obtained his master's degree through the Erasmus Mundus Program, studying at the University of Innsbruck and University of Rome Tor Vergata. He earned his PhD at the University of Hamburg, where he continued his postdoctoral work. Dr. Nguyen is recognized for his expertise in developing advanced dark matter experiments, data analysis, and integrating cryogenic receivers. He also has experience in teaching and is an active member of various academic committees.

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