
Prospects and challenges for LHCb upgrades

by Patrick Robbe (LAL Orsay) , Patrick Robbe (IJCLab)


The LHCb experiment started taking data in Run 3 at the LHC with an upgraded detector largely improved compared to the original one. A second upgrade in two phases is now planned to increase further the reach of the measurements that can be performed in flavour physics at the LHC. The status of the experiment, the prospects of the physics measurements, in particular those of common interests between Chinese and French LHCb groups, and the challenges of the future upgrades will be presented.

About the speaker:

Dr. Patrick Robbe is a researcher at CNRS (directeur de recerche, which is equivalent to professor) at the Laboratoire of the two infinities Irene Joliot Curie and Paris-Saclay Universite in Orsay. He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique and made a PhD in particle physics in Annecy in France working on the BaBar experiment. Since then he became as a CNRS researcher in Orsay (Laboratoire of the linear acelerator, LAL at that time) in 2002 and work in LHCb experiment. He also takes part to the Belle II experiment as a technical associate, to work on the upgrade of the Belle II DAQ system. In LHCb, Patrick is involved in several analysis of heavy flavour production in pp and heavy ion collisions, of the study of Bc with colleagues from Chinese LHCb groups as part of the French China Particle Physics Laboratory, and of CP violation analysis to measure the CKM gamma angle. On the detector side, he worked for the hardware Level 0 calorimeter of Run 1 and 2, and on the ECAL upgrades. Patrick was run coordinator of LHCb between 2015 and 2017 and is deputy spokesperson since July 2023.


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