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兹定于2024年4月19日至4月22日(4月19日周五注册、4月20-22日会议)在北京大学物理学院召开“高亮度和高精度前沿缪子物理研讨会”:https://indico.cern.ch/event/1356341/ 。 诚邀各位同行踊跃参加此次学术交流。会议由北京大学、上海交通大学、中国科学技术大学、中国科学院高能物理研究所、理论物理研究所、近代物理研究所、南京大学、先进能源科学与技术广东省实验室和中山大学联合主办。研讨会主题包括:未来强流加速器研究、缪子源研究、缪子基本性质精确测量、缪子衰变稀有过程寻找、缪子对撞机、缪子应用技术等。

The MIP 2024 workshop  (Registration on April 19,  workshops on April 20-22) offers a welcoming environment for physicists interested in muon physics and its applications, inviting both experimental and theoretical communities to come together and share their latest findings. This workshop aims to facilitate discussions on ongoing and proposed experiments, as well as to encourage participants to consider future possibilities.

Designed to promote thoughtful conversations and the exchange of ideas, the workshop provides a fresh perspective on muon-based experiments. This collaborative atmosphere ensures that all attendees have the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the collective knowledge of their peers.

Hosted at the Peking University, the MIP 2024 workshop is an on-site event that welcomes all who share a passion for muon physics. Join us at PKU, where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts and further your understanding of this fascinating field. The workshop will cover the following topics:

1. Development of muon sources (MELODY, HIAF/CiADS, SMS, MuSIC)
2. Precision measurements (g-2, EDM)
3. Searches for rare processes (MACE, Mu2e, COMET)
4. Muon applications (muSR, muography)
5. Theoretical Muon Physics
6. Muon accelerators and colliders
