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Indirect dark matter search is a novel way of dark matter detection differ from collider and direct dark matter searches. To focus on the daughter particles generated from potential DM-DM interaction, there is a chance to give us information about beyond standard model physics. In this talk I will introduce two projects which focus on the indirect dark matter search. GAPS is a balloon-borne particle-tracker searching for signals of dark matter from low-energy (kinetic energy <= 0.25GeV/n) cosmic antideuterons. It is fully integrated and undergoing calibration and testing, in advance of its first long-duration Antarctic balloon flight in the austral summer of 2024. Gamma-Ray and AntiMatter Survey is a next-generation experiment using a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) detector to detect gamma rays and antiparticles. Currently it is been selected by NASA APRA, and a balloon flight in 2025/2026 has been planned.