高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

Black holes, wormholes and firewalls

by Prof. 镇斌 杨




报告摘要:The study of black hole system has been a major focus of quantum gravity researchers. It serves as a valuable theoretical laboratory for testing our understanding of general relativity and quantum mechanics, and more fundamentally, the connection between spacetime and quantum entanglement. Recent years, significant progress has been made with the development of a simple holographic model that is called the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. We will review the duality between SYK model and Jackiw–Teitelboim (JT) gravity, which governs the gravitational dynamics of near-extremal black holes, including numerical simulations of SYK correlators dominated by gravitational effects. This talk will then be followed by a discussion of recent theoretical advances on black hole physics based on the SYK/JT duality, including the traversable wormhole protocol, the Page curve of Hawking radiation, and the formation of firewalls in black hole typical states due to large baby universe emission process. We will emphasize on the role of spacetime wormholes in these developments.

个人简介:杨镇斌,清华大学高等研究院研究员,2019年普林斯顿博士毕业,导师为Juan Maldacena。2019-2023在斯坦福做博士后,合作导师为Douglas Stanford。研究兴趣为量子引力,量子信息与量子混沌的全息对偶。主要参与工作 : 1. 构建低维全息对偶模型:SYK/JT对偶,2.建立可穿越虫洞与量子多体传输之间的关系,3.提出replica wormhole的概念,推导黑洞信息悖论中的Page Curve。