PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Charge-breaking opportunities for the early Universe

by Prof. Igor Ivanov (SYSU)

B105 (CHEP)




The hot early Universe must have lived through transitions around the electroweak epoch. The dynamics of this evolution is not known and is a subject of intense interest. Multi-Higgs models often possess scalar potentials which, at finite temperatures, exhibit several competing minima and lead to several phase transitions, sometimes of peculiar nature. In this talk, I will show that there exists a regime in the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) in which thermal evolution of the early Universe passes through an intermediate phase of charge-breaking vacuum. This regime leads to a sequence of several phase transitions and it can also be tested at colliders. In addition, I will show that multi-Higgs-doublet models can also lead to phase transitions in which the two neutral minima are separated by a charge-breaking bubble wall, with remarkable and yet unexplored cosmological consequences. 

Igor Ivanov,中山大学物理与天文学院教授。博士期间主要研究高能电子-质子碰撞中的强子衍射问题。结合QCD和电弱物理,在2006年开始发展一种创新的几何方法来处理一般的双希格斯模型,并用它来解决传统方法很难处理的问题。获得了2009年俄罗斯联合核子中心( JINR) 颁发的青年科学家波戈留博夫奖。与合作者一起为三希格斯模型发展了一套丰富的理论工具箱,包括代数、几何和群论方法。这些工作得到了同行的高度赞赏,有多篇相关论文引用超过100次,其中包括一篇综述文章。从2011年开始研究涡旋粒子问题,是第一批研究非零角动量粒子碰撞问题的学者之一。这方面的研究涉及粒子物理、原子物理、电动力学和光学,相关成果发表在多篇 PRL 论文和一篇合作的Phys. Rept上。

Organised by

Prof. Qinghong Cao