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Minutes . CEPC BSM WP @ Apr 1
- For each chapter, add a general <hat> in the beginning…
- Balance the size of each topic /subsection
- LLP: handling overlap with other chapters..
- 麻烦各章节召集人把跟LLPs有关的部分,在overleaf latex相关位置,添加注释: “%key words: LLP-related” 方便整合。
- i.e. Higgs exotic decay via LLP; DM DS VLL; Neutrino-E/F/G
- LLP coordinator to merge the above into LLP
- Other chapter coordinators to add reference or point to LLP chapter when mentioned relevant items
- Neutrino
- ~ summary plot
- Restructure “heavy neutrino” with subsections
- Remove&merge redundancy among subsections
- More exotics
- Added a new introduction
- ddl. April 30
- 清明后 对初稿 内审 外审;开始 提议评委
- ~May Liantao;
- ~June 会
Next chat ~ April 18