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22–27 Oct 2024
Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Progress of CEPC TPC Towards the TDR

25 Oct 2024, 09:00
Room 287

Room 287

Talk 14: Gaseous detector Gaseous Detector


Huirong Qi (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)


The Circular Electron Positron Collider accelerator Technical Design Report (TDR), as a Higgs and high luminosity Z factory, has been released in 2023. The baseline design of a detector concept consists of a large 3D tracking system, which is a high precision (about 100$\mu$m) spatial resolution Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector as the main track embedded in a 3.0T solenoid field, especially for the accelerator operating at Tera-Z. TPC requires the longitudinal time resolution (<100ns) and the physics goals require PID resolution (<3%).

In this talk, we will present the feasibility and progress of the high precision TPC technology for CEPC, even at Tera-Z. The fundamental parameters such as the spatial resolution, PID with the good separation power and the drift velocity were studied by the simulation and measurement using a TPC prototype with 500mm drift length. We will review the track reconstruction performance results and summarize the updated R&D towards TPC construction for CEPC physics and detector TDR.

Primary authors

Huirong Qi (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) Yue Chang (Nankai University) Xin She (IHEP,CAS) Jinxian Zhang


建 张 (高能所) Jinchuan Wang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) 智 邓 (清华大学) Hongliang daihl (高能所) Guang ZHAO (高能所) UNKNOWN YU Chunxu (NanKai Univ) Canwen Liu (Tsinghua Univerisity) 刚 Gang 李 LI (高能所) Linghui Wu (IHEP) UNKNOWN 张俊嵩 Haoyu SHI (IHEP) Quan JI

Presentation materials