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22–27 Oct 2024
Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Pixelated readout gas detector for PID

25 Oct 2024, 17:30
Room 287

Room 287

Talk 15: PID and other detection technologies PID& Misc


Yue Chang (Nankai University)


Future circular electron-positron collider has been proposed as both Higgs factories and high-luminosity Z factories. The conceptual design of the updated detector includes a tracking system, with the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) serving as the primary tracking detector. The TPC offers high spatial resolution (approximately 100 µm over the entire drift length in a 3T magnetic field) in a large 3D volume, which is particularly important for operations at the high-luminosity Z pole (Tera-Z at a 2T magnetic field).

In this talk, we will present the feasibility and current status of using a high-precision TPC as the main tracking detector for electron-positron colliders. The TPC is designed to achieve good separation power, utilizing cluster counting, and we will discuss simulation results for both pad and pixelated TPC technologies for electron-positron colliders. Compared to pad readout in simulations, the high-granularity readout option for the TPC demonstrates better spatial resolution for single electrons, very high detection efficiency, excellent tracking, and superior PID performance (with a resolution of less than 3$\sigma$).

We will present the results of track reconstruction performance and dE/dx measurements, review the overall track reconstruction performance, and summarize the next steps toward TPC construction for CEPC physics and the detector Technical Design Report (TDR).

Primary authors

Chunxu YU (Nankai University) Guang ZHAO (高能所) Huirong Qi (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) Yue Chang (Nankai University) Jian Zhang (IHEP) Jianchun Wang (IHEP) Jinxian Zhang Junsong Zhang (IHEP) Linghui Wu (IHEP) Manqi Ruan (IHEP) Quan JI Xin She (IHEP,CAS) Zhi Deng (Tsinghua University) 刚 Gang 李 LI (高能所)

Presentation materials