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22–27 Oct 2024
Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Beam Background Study for the CEPC Silicon Tracker

23 Oct 2024, 21:32
Whole Workshop in 278

Whole Workshop in 278

Poster 12: Silicon Detector Poster


Mr Zhan Li (IHEP)


The hit rate study for the CEPC silicon tracking system, induced by beam background processes such as pair production, will impact irradiation, data rates, and the design of the detector, particularly for the CEPC operating in high-luminosity Z-pole mode. In addition to beam properties, the hit rate is influenced by factors such as the distribution of materials near the interaction point, detector materials, sensor granularity, and hit response. This presentation will provide a detailed analysis of the hit rate for the CEPC silicon tracker using simulations with the CEPC software CEPCSW.

Primary author

Mr Zhan Li (IHEP)

Presentation materials