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22–27 Oct 2024
Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

MAPS-based Upstream Tracker for The LHCb Phase-II Upgrade

23 Oct 2024, 21:37
Whole Workshop in 278

Whole Workshop in 278

Poster 12: Silicon Detector Poster


吉 彭 (高能所)


The LHCb experiment is planning a phase-II upgrade to accommodate the expected peak luminosity of L= 1.5×10^34 cm^(-2) s^(-1). The upgrade is scheduled to be implemented during the long shutdown 4, starting around the year 2032. The technical design report for the upgrade framework was released in 2022.
The Upstream Tracker, positioned before the LHCb magnet, plays a critical role in enhancing online reconstruction speed, reducing ghost tracks, and improving the reconstruction efficiency of long-lived particles. It will be upgraded from a silicon microstrip detector to a monolithic silicon pixel detector. This poster will introduce R&D efforts in various aspects, such as the development of simulation and reconstruction software within the LHCb software framework, the design of the detector using existing technologies, performance evaluations through simulation for detector optimization, and the exploration of potential detector technologies, including small-electrode and large-electrode types.

Primary author

吉 彭 (高能所)

Presentation materials