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The CEPCSW is the offline data processing and analysis software being developed for the CEPC experiment, based on the Key4hep common HEP turnkey software stack. It utilizes Gaudi as its underlying framework, Edm4hep as its event data model, and DD4hep for managing detector geometry. The CEPCSW has been used to optimize detector performance and maximize physics potential, particularly in the...
CEPC will select pixelated readout to replace pad readout as the baseline of the Time Projection Chamber to obtain better PID performance. Due to ionization caused by incoming charge particle, 20-30 hits is generated on the pixelated readout within a 5x5mm area, possible to take more than one hits in same row, which goes against Kalma filter. This study employs a machine learning algorithm...
A telescope composed of TaichuPix-3 chips is simulated with the AllPix-Squared framework, which is an open-source software. The AllPix-squared framework is able to simulate the physical process of silicon pixel detectors and digitization of the front-end electronics. The TaichuPix-3 chips are characterised by AllPix-squared simulation and beam test results. This report will show the...
The precise measurements of the Higgs, W and Z boson properties at future electron-positron collider will provide critical tests of the Standard Model (SM) and are essential in the exploration of new physics beyond the SM (BSM). To distinguish the hadronic decays of W and Z bosons, a 3-4% boson mass resolution(BMR) for jet systems is required. The particle flow approach, which aims to measure...
Deep learning can give a significant impact on physics performance of electron-positron Higgs factories. We are working on two topics on event reconstruction to apply deep learning; one is jet flavor tagging. We apply particle transformer to ILD full simulation to obtain jet flavor, including strange tagging. The other one is particle flow, which clusters calorimeter hits and assigns tracks to...
Detector and event visualization software is essential for modern high-energy physics (HEP) experiments. It plays an important role in the whole life circle of any HEP experiment, from detector design, simulation, reconstruction, detector construction, and installation, to data quality monitoring, physics data analysis, education, and outreach. In this talk, we will discuss two frameworks and...
Jet reconstruction is a crucial component of reconstruction in high energy collider experiments. It is known for high consumption of computing resources, and various investigations are ongoing to cope with this challenge. This reconstruction task can be considered as a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem, which is suitable to be solved with quantum algorithms. I will...
High-energy physics relies on large and accurate samples of simulated events, but generating these samples with GEANT4 is CPU intensive. The ATLAS experiment has employed generative adversarial networks (GANs) for fast shower simulation, which is an important approach to solving the problem. Quantum GANs, leveraging the advantages of quantum computing, have the potential to outperform standard...
As high-energy physics experiments expand and precision improves, the volume of data generated has grown exponentially. The design of computing systems is therefore critical for the efficient analysis and processing of this data. This report outlines the design of the CEPC computing platform, focusing on its computing capabilities, storage solutions, and network infrastructure etc.