
Classification of neutrinoless double beta decay mechanisms

by Prof. Guijun Ding (USTC)

122 Multidisciplinary Building

122 Multidisciplinary Building



The neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) is the most sensitive probe to whether neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana states. It is usually assumed that the 0νββ decay is induced by exchange of light Majorana neutrinos between two charged current vertices, this is the so-called mass mechanism. We would mention the prediction for the effective Majorana neutrino mass in neutrino mass models based on discrete flavor symmetry. The 0νββ decay could possibly be dominantly induced by other new physics effects beyond that of Majorana neutrino masses. The contributions to the 0νββ decay rate can be generally divided into the short-range part and long-range part. We will perform  systematic decompositions of both short-range and long-range 0νββ operators up to one-loop level, and the correlation with neutrino mass is discussed.

About the Speaker:

Prof. Gui-Jun Ding obtained the PhD degree in 2007 from University of Science and Technology of China, then continue to work in the same university as a postdoctoral research fellow from 2007 to 2009, as a faculty since 2009. He has published more than 100 papers cited over 5000 times. At present, his research interest is in the origin of fermion mass and flavor mixing as well as neutrinoless double decay.



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