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The Story of Opticks, applying NVIDIA OptiX GPU ray tracing to Optical Photon Simulation

by UNKNOWN Simon Blyth

122 Multidisciplinary Building

122 Multidisciplinary Building



Opticks is an open source project that applies GPU ray tracing to optical photon simulation and integrates this with Geant4. Opticks providing automated translation of Geant4 geometries into a fully analytic GPU appropriate form enabling near perfect matching between the CPU and GPU simulations.

This innovative approach has yielded drastic speedups of more than a factor of 1000 and huge memory reductions that together can prevent simulations from being limited by optical photons. In addition the presence of geometry and event data on the GPU naturally enables novel high performance visualizations providing insights and engaging views.

In this presentation the story behind the development of Opticks will be detailed, covering the ups and downs of cutting edge development and some of the hard learned lessons of experience that can benefit anyone working on innovative new techniques.


About the speaker:

Simon is a High Energy Physicist and Software Developer based at IHEP. He gained his D.Phil in Particle Physics from Oxford University on the DELPHI experiment at LEP measuring cross sections below the Z pole using radiative muon pairs. Following that based at CERN, he worked on the L3 experiment measuring luminosity and the b-quark asymmetry. Then based in Taiwan he worked on the BELLE expt at KEK measuring color suppressed b->c branching fractions. Subsequently he joined the Dayabay and JUNO experiments working on software infrastructure and simulation. His focus for the past decade has been on simulation and the use of GPUs to accelerate optical photon simulation. His development of the Opticks package makes enormous optical simulation speedup factors of more than 1000 times possible for diverse experiments.


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