Long-baseline accelerator experiments are a powerful and unique tool to search for oscillation parameters. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research actively participated in the forthcoming DUNE experiment aimed at determining the phase responsible for CP violation and determination of neutrino mass ordering. The modular liquid-argon Time-Projection Chamber (ND-LAr TPC) is intended to be used as a target and detection media in the DUNE near detector.
The JINR's responsibility was to design the light detection system (light detectors, readout electronics, and the DAQ system) and to integrate it into the general DAQ DUNE ND system.
The main purpose of the light detection system is to disentangle signal overlapping within the time interval of less than one microsecond and to generate a fast trigger for the charge readout system (~10 ns) determining initial drift time t0.
About the speaker:
Dr N. Anfimov currently serves as the Head of the Sector of Experimental Methods in the Experimental Department of Particle Physics at the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR. He has been involved in mass-testing large photocathode PMTs for the JUNO experiment and participates in projects utilizing SiPMs as photosensors, such as electromagnetic calorimetry (COMPASS, NICA/SPD), PET tomography, SiPM for TAO, and light readout for LAr-TPC ND DUNE. He was one of the organizers of the “International Conference on the Advancements of Silicon Photomultipliers” (ICASiPM) 2018 in Germany. He also holds the position of associated professor at Dubna University, teaching the Nuclear Instruments and Methods course.
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