PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Topologically twisted indices for any G

by Prof. Cyril Closset (University of Birmingham, UK)




We consider the A-model obtained by a partial topological twist of a 3d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory. The twisted indices are the Witten indices over the Hilbert space of the 3d theory compactified on a closed Riemann surface, which generalise the Verlinde formulae. (In the special case of pure Chern-Simons theories – that is, 3d gauge theory without matter--, they give us the number of conformal blocks of the corresponding WZW model on the Riemann surface.) Previous physical methods only computed the twisted indices for a gauge group G that is simply connected and/or unitary. We generalise the supersymmetric computation to G any real compact Lie group, using the notion of higher-form symmetries. I will give a pedagogical presentation of our results. [Work to appear with Elias Furrer and Osama Khlaif.]

Self-presentation: Dr Cyril Closset, Assistant Professor at the University of Birmingham, UK. 

Zoom Meeting:

Zoom meeting ID:963 5796 8034

Organised by

Prof. Yinan Wang