SCOAP3 Specialist Seminar

Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

The conference will canvass topics that include but are not limited to the following:

  • Transforming to a Transparent, Fair and Sustainable OA Publishing System
  • 10 Years of SCOAP3, Review of the Evolution of the Collaboration and Impact on the Worldwide Scientific Community
  • Evolution of Scientific Communication in High-Energy Physics
  • Scientific Communication by Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
  • Benefits of SCOAP3 in the Scientific Community and Open Science focus during the upcoming Phase 4
  • China's Participation in SCOAP3 and Planning of Phase 4
  • Discussion: Focus on SCOAP3 Phase 4 both online and offline


  • Xu Jing, Director of National Science and Technology Library (NSTL)
  • Liu Xiwen, Director of National Science Library, CAS
  • Wang Yifang, Director of Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
  • Alexander Kohls, CERN SCOAP3 Executive Committee delegate, Head of the CERN Scientific Information Service and member of CERN Research and Computing Management Board
  • Dr. Stefan HoheneggerChair of the SCOAP3 Governing Council, Senior Researcher Institut de Physique des Deux Infinis de Lyon CNRS-IN2P3 of France and Faculty Member of the Department of Physics of the University of Napoli of Italy
  • Dr. Stefano Bianco, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, LNF-INFN Rome, Member of the CERN CMS Collaboration (since 2005), Experimental Physicist, SCOAP3 National Representative for Italy (also one of the founders of SCOAP3)
  • Dr. Kamran NaimSCOAP3 Operations Manager and Head of Open Science CERN
  • Dr. Zhao Yan, The representative of China in SCOAP3 Executive Committee

※ This is a directed invitation conference.