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SCOAP3 Specialist Seminar

Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

The conference will canvass topics that include but are not limited to the following:

  • Transforming to a Transparent, Fair and Sustainable OA Publishing System
  • 10 Years of SCOAP3, Review of the Evolution of the Collaboration and Impact on the Worldwide Scientific Community
  • Evolution of Scientific Communication in High-Energy Physics
  • Scientific Communication by Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
  • Benefits of SCOAP3 in the Scientific Community and Open Science focus during the upcoming Phase 4
  • China's Participation in SCOAP3 and Planning of Phase 4
  • Discussion: Focus on SCOAP3 Phase 4 both online and offline


  • Xu Jing, Director of National Science and Technology Library (NSTL)
  • Liu Xiwen, Director of National Science Library, CAS
  • Wang Yifang, Director of Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
  • Alexander Kohls, CERN SCOAP3 Executive Committee delegate, Head of the CERN Scientific Information Service and member of CERN Research and Computing Management Board
  • Dr. Stefan HoheneggerChair of the SCOAP3 Governing Council, Senior Researcher Institut de Physique des Deux Infinis de Lyon CNRS-IN2P3 of France and Faculty Member of the Department of Physics of the University of Napoli of Italy
  • Dr. Stefano Bianco, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, LNF-INFN Rome, Member of the CERN CMS Collaboration (since 2005), Experimental Physicist, SCOAP3 National Representative for Italy (also one of the founders of SCOAP3)
  • Dr. Kamran NaimSCOAP3 Operations Manager and Head of Open Science CERN
  • Dr. Zhao Yan, The representative of China in SCOAP3 Executive Committee

※ This is a directed invitation conference.

    • 09:00 09:15
      Opening Remarks (2) 15m

      Intend to invite:
      Xu Jing, Director of National Science and Technology Library (NSTL)
      Wang Yifang, Director of Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

    • 09:15 09:35
      Transforming to a Collaborative, Equitable and Sustainable Open Scholarly Communication 20m

      Prof. Liu Xiwen, Director of National Science Library, CAS

      Speaker: Xiwen Liu (National Science Library, CAS)
    • 09:35 09:55
      10 Years of SCOAP3: Review of the Evolution of the Collaboration 20m

      Alexander Kohls, CERN SCOAP3 Executive Committee delegate, Head of the CERN Scientific Information Service and member of CERN Research and Computing Management Board

      Speaker: Alexander Kohls (CERN)
    • 09:55 10:15
      Evolution of Scientific Communication in High-Energy Physics and the Benefits of SCOAP3 20m

      Dr. Stefan Hohenegger,Chair of the SCOAP3 Governing Council, Senior Researcher Institut de Physique des Deux Infinis de Lyon CNRS-IN2P3 of France and Faculty Member of the Department of Physics of the University of Napoli of Italy.
      Dr. Stefano Bianco, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, LNF-INFN Rome, Member of the CERN CMS Collaboration (since 2005), Experimental Physicist, SCOAP3 National Representative for Italy (also one of the founders of SCOAP3).

      Speakers: Dr Stefan Hohenegger (The University of Napoli of Italy) , Dr Stefano Bianco
    • 10:15 10:35
      HEP projects and Open Science at IHEP 20m

      Dr. Gang Chen, Director of the Science Committee of the Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

      Speaker: Dr Gang Chen
    • 10:35 10:50
      Photo Session; Tea break 15m
    • 10:50 11:10
      SCOAP3 Phase 4: The focus on Open Science 20m

      Dr. Kamran Naim(SCOAP3 Operations Manager and Head of Open Science CERN)

      Speaker: Kamran Naim (CERN)
    • 11:10 12:00
      Discussion: Focus on SCOAP3 Phase 4 both online and offline 50m