PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Electroweak precision measurement at current LHC and future muon collider

by Peiran Li (University of Minnesota)

B105 (CHEP)




Electroweak physics has been tested and exploited at current LHC very comprehensively. It seems to be in an auto-piloting mode that our job becomes either searching BSM physics or improving the precision of SM measurement. Our recent work proposes a new channel, W boson 4-lepton decay, which people have not paid enough attention, but the current LHC is able to measure. Furthermore, this channel can be used to constrain other BSM model, such as L_\mu-L_\tau.

In the latter half of my talk, I would like to switch to the SM precision measurement at future 10 TeV muon collider. Especially, I will discuss the Higgs total width measurement via vector boson fusion at muon collider and the global constraints on Higgs effective couplings, showing the sensitivity of future muon collider.

Peiran Li is currently a graduate student at University of Minnesota starting in 2021. He obtained his bachelor's degree at Stony Brook University in 2019 and worked as research assistant at IHEP during 2020. He mainly works on particle physics, SM/BSM phenomenology, collider physics.



Organized by

Prof. Jia Liu