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13–17 Nov 2024
山东省青岛市鳌山湾 (Aoshan Bay, Qingdao, Shandong)
Asia/Shanghai timezone

QCD LCDAs of Heavy Mesons from boosted HQET

Not scheduled
山东省青岛市鳌山湾 (Aoshan Bay, Qingdao, Shandong)

山东省青岛市鳌山湾 (Aoshan Bay, Qingdao, Shandong)


焰冰 魏 (BJUT)


Light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) frequently arise in factorization theorems involving light and heavy mesons. The QCD LCDA for heavy mesons includes short-distance physics at energy scales of the heavy-quark mass. We achieve the separation of this perturbative scale from the purely hadronic effects by matching the QCD LCDA to the convolution of a perturbative function with the universal, quark- mass independent LCDA defined in heavy-quark effective theory. This factorization allows to resum potentially large logarithms between $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}$ and $m_Q$ as well as between $m_Q$ and the scale Q of the hard process in the production of boosted heavy mesons at colliders. As an application we derive new theoretical predictions for the branching ratio of the decay $W^\pm \to B^\pm\gamma$. Furthermore, we provide phenomenological models for the QCD LCDAs of both the B and D mesons expressed as expansions in Gegenbauer polynomials.

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