PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Crossing and generalized scattering amplitudes

by Prof. Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University)




Crossing symmetry is a well known relation between scattering amplitudes of particles and of their antiparticles.  I will argue that similar relations for higher-point scattering processes exist which involve generalized amplitudes. These novel objects differ from usual amplitudes by relaxing the time-ordering symbol but often reduce to familiar observables such as inclusive cross-sections or waveforms.  I will discuss the physical interpretation of these objects and exemplify some new crossing relations.  Based on 2308.02125 and 2310.12199.

Simon Caron-Huot现任加拿大麦吉尔大学教授,他博士毕业于麦吉尔大学,曾在普林斯顿高等研究中心从事博士后研究和丹麦玻尔研究所任助理教授。他在量子场论研究的各个方面作出了重要突破,极大地促进了人们对基本粒子散射振幅、共形场论、高密度核物质、黑洞和引力波等理论和现象的理解。他曾获得2017年欧洲物理学会Gribov奖,2018年Hermann Weyl奖,2020年斯隆研究基金,2020年新视野突破奖等。

Organised by

Prof. Huaxing Zhu