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24–29 Oct 2024
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Center
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Analysis of Gamma-ray Binaries LSI+61303 and LS5039 Utilizing LHAASO Detector

Not scheduled
Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Center

Tianfu Cosmic Ray Research Center

No. 1500 Kezhi Road, Tianfu New Area, Chengdu, China
Oral report (20min)


Xuqiang Dong (IHEP)


Gamma-ray binaries, characterized by a massive star and a compact object in close orbit, emit gamma rays across a wide energy spectrum. LSI+61303 and LS5039 are captivating gamma-ray binaries, known for their intricate behavior. This study utilizes the advanced capabilities of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) detector to analyze the gamma-ray emission from LSI+61303 and LS5039. The analysis extends the spectral study to energies up to a hundred TeV, providing insights into the high-energy emission regime. Additionally, consistent phase modulation patterns, in line with observations from the Fermi satellite, are observed. These findings enhance our understanding of gamma-ray binaries and shed light on the emission mechanisms and physical processes at play in LSI+61303 and LS5039.

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