摘要:A set of new methods, connecting muon tomography with new physics searches, are proposed here to directly detect light mass dark matter through its scattering with abundant atmospheric muons or accelerator beams. A first plan is to use the free cosmic-ray muons interacting with dark matter in a volume surrounded by tracking detectors, to trace the possible interaction between dark matter and muons. Secondly, the same device can be interfaced with domestic or international muon beams. Due to the much larger muon intensity and focused beam, it is anticipated that the detector can be made further compact, and the resulting sensitivity on dark matter searches will be improved. Furthermore, it may also be possible to measure precisely directional distributions of cosmic-ray muons, either at mountain or sea level, and the differences may reveal possible information about dark matter distributed near the Earth. Specifically, methods described here can have advantages over “exotic” dark matter that are either muonphilic or slowed down due to some mechanism, and the sensitivity on dark matter and muon scattering cross section can reach as low asmicrobarn level.
个人简介:李强,北京大学教授,2023年获国家杰出青年科学基金支持。2001年和2006年在北京大学取得学士和博士学位。随后在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院和瑞士保罗谢勒研究所从事博士后研究。2011年加入北京大学,带领团队在多玻色子物理研究上做出一系列原创性贡献,包括一批矢量玻色子散射过程的首次观测和发现,利用多玻色子过程探测Higgs以及寻找超出标准模型的新粒子。曾担任 CMS 物理组产生子组二级召集人,协调整个 CMS 工作组的物理模拟工作;以及 CMS 软件计算组二级召集人。获CMS实验组2021年度奖。