摘要:I will discuss a lattice QCD calculation of the nucleon electric polarizabilities at the physical pion mass. Our findings reveal the substantial contributions of the Nπ states to these polarizabilities. Without considering these contributions, the lattice results fall significantly below the experimental values, consistent with previous lattice studies. This observation has motivated us to compute both the parity-negative Nπ scattering up to a nucleon momentum of ∼ 0.5 GeV in the center-of-mass frame and corresponding Nγ∗ → Nπ matrix elements using lattice QCD. Our results confirm that incorporating dynamic Nπ contributions is crucial for a reliable determination of the polarizabilities from lattice QCD. This methodology will also be beneficial for future lattice QCD studies of various lepton-nucleon inelastic scattering processes.
个人简介:冯旭,北京大学博雅特聘教授,研究兴趣包括格点量子色动力学、标准模型精确检验、低能强子物理、少体核物理等。在国际学术期刊发表论文50余篇,包括10余篇Phys. Rev. Lett.。2021年获国家杰出青年科学基金支持,2023年获第十七届中国青年科技奖。