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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

解开物质起源谜团的钥匙 — 中微子探测器 Understand the origin of matter through neutrino detectors

by Dr Ziping Ye (University of Pennsylvania)

B105 (CHEP)






Abstract: Matter and anti-matter are very symmetric in the current formulation of physical laws, which would result in equal amount of matter and anti-matter in early Universe, and so nothing but photons and neutrinos are left after annihilation of matter and anti-matter. However, experiments and observations revealed that the Universe is composed of matter dominant over anti-matter: our human bodies, the materials on Earth, the stars and galaxies are all made up of matter, not anti-matter. The asymmetry of matter and anti-matter in reality is a mystery, which strongly indicates that we need new physics beyond the Standard Model. The possible new physics that can explain the matter anti-matter imbalance includes baryon number violation, lepton number violation, and corresponding charge-parity violation. Interestingly, all these hypotheses can be tested with neutrino detectors. In this seminar, I will talk about the status and my experience of research in the field, and
furthermore discuss the future prospect and my plan of research for uncovering the origin of matter in the Universe.

Bios:Dr. Ziping Ye is a postdoctoral scholar at University of Pennsylvania, working on the SNO+ neutrino experiment which is an upgrade from the Nobel Prize winning SNO experiment. He made important contribution to the background analysis and rejection for the search of Majorana neutrinos with SNO+. Before joining UPenn, he was a T. D. Lee postdoctoral fellow at Tsung Dao Lee Institute (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). He played a key role in the design and implementation of the multi-messenger trigger system of JUNO. He has led several sub-systems of the TRIDENT pathfinder experiment which successfully found a site and tested deep-sea detector technologies for a world-leading neutrino telescope to be built in South China Sea. He got his physics PhD degree in 2019 from University of Houston, with a dissertation on the DarkSide dark matter search experiment.

Organised by

Qiang Li