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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Scattering amplitudes and beyond in QFT

by Prof. Song He (ITP, CAS)

B105 (CHEP)




I will review some of the recent adventures in perturbative computations of scattering amplitudes and related quantities (such as correlation functions) in Quantum Field Theory,  which has revealed new, hidden structures and deep connections with string theory and mathematics. Notable examples include all-loop geometries underlying amplitudes and correlators in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, as well as a combinatorial, string-like formulation for real-world scattering of colored scalars, pions and gluons.

报告人简介:何颂,中科院理论物理研究所研究员。长期活跃在量子场论、量子引力和弦论等高能理论前沿,近年来主要工作集中在场论、引力和弦论中的散射振幅等物理量,及其对粒子物理、引力和宇宙学乃至数学方向的应用。近年来代表性工作包括被称为Cachazo-何-袁体系的散射振幅新理论,与N. Arkani-Hamed合作建立的场论和弦论散射的几何描述,以及在规范场、引力和弦论内在联系、量子场论和全息对偶的精确计算、数学物理等方向取得的一系列进展。

Organised by

Prof. Huaxing Zhu