20240923 CEPC physics performance for Ref-TDR 例会纪要
参会人员:陈明水,李刚,陈缮真,Reda,燕萍,泽炳, 陈晔,李嘉荣,曼奇,凯栗,辰光,单连友,梁诗怡,马晓天, 张鹏
线上: 徐达,梁志均,庄胥爱,李衡讷,王锦,Leyan Li, 孙小虎,Yuchen Cai,朱昊,Hancen Lu,
- general information
- List of tasks - encourage everyone to continue volunteering
- CEPCSW tutorial sessions organized by software group on 12-13, Sep.
- review of budget request of the Henan funding done yesterday,will need to update the proposal with more detailed information (10x more) before the national holiday
- Chenguang: already look into the tracking/vertex in CEPCSW (package/LCFIPlus migrated from CEPCsoft and compiled)
- Gang/Manqi suggest taking PFO output
- Kaili updates on the Fast simulation of the CEPC detector with Delphes
- plan mainly for large background samples
- one can start preparation of analyses framework/code based Delphes samples
- all the configuration/parameters can be quickly adapted to latest detector design
- should be validated in order to be included in the TDR
- also provide configurations for Ideal/dream case
- any difference between the design goal and actual design should be understood and explained, future prospects should be provided
- need versioning of the samples
- Kaili updates on the estimates of the full simulation sample
- 1.4 M events quoted for priority samples for performance study, currently several minutes per event -> will need 6 days with 1000 CPU
- proposed 360 GeV processes: ZvvHbb and WW-fusion->vvHbb, should consider interference
- Before full simulation production, gen level information/generator should be validated
- number of gen events could be larger
- need to define a list of plots/variables for validation
- Vcb - paper based on CDR is nearly published, can be moved to TDR quickly - need someone to take it from Liang Hao and Lin Feng.
- Analyzers are preparing (or will start soon) analysis framework
- need to define a list of preformance plots -> for validation, cross check, TDR needed, and easier distribution of the tasks
- e.g. tracking performance as an example, as in a previous internal note (attached in the indico)
- will be collected in the following Excel sheet https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DT2V5VVN4cXRHeGZY?tab=x6jl4c&_t=1727084143791
- Provide a couple analyses examples: (may start from CDR code)
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