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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Order $\alpha'^3$ in string and F theory

by Prof. Ruben Minasian (IPhT Saclay)

B105 (CHEP)




I will review the efforts for completion of $R^4$ couplings in type II theories. Notably I'll present some higher-point nonlinear NS sector results, duality tests and implications for IIB SL(2)-invariant action.

Bio:Ruben Minasian works on the geometrical aspects of string theory and quantum gravity. He has made contributions to the study of string dualities, anomaly cancellation mechanism in M-theory and string theory, and flux compactifications. Notably, with G. Moore he made the first proposal that D-brane charges are classified by K-theory of spacetime. Based on anomaly cancellation he has proposed new eleven-dimensional couplings that have been fundamental to our current understanding of M-theory, and studied extensively quantum corrections in effective theories. He has been among the pioneers of generalized complex geometry and its applications to string compactifications.

Tencent Meeting:273-919-010

Organised by

Prof. Yinan Wang