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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

On 2d conformal field theories

by Prof. Kimyeong Lee (BIMSA)




In this talk, I would like to summarize our recent works on 2d conformal field theories. We cover Modular linear differential equation for fermionic conformal field theories, Hecke transformations, VOAs related to Intermediate Algebras and E7+1/2, and a bit of Monster Moonshine. In addition, we want to discuss additional challenges in the subject.

Speaker Intro: I am a theoretical physicist working on quantum field theory and string theory. I have been educated in South Korea and United States. I worked as postdoctoral fellow and faculty member in US and also in South Korea. Recently I joined BIMSA in quantum field theory and string theory group. My research interests are also on cosmology, black holes, particle phenomenology, geometry, representation theory, vertex operator algebras, categorical symmetries, and number theory.

Tencent Meeting:812-688-687

Organized by

Prof. Yinan Wang