12:00 PM
New results on pentaquarks
Da Yu Tou
12:15 PM
CPV in charmless Lambda_b0 decay
Xinchen Dai
12:30 PM
Heavy quarkonium probes in small and large systems
有恩 康
12:45 PM
Heavy flavor production in proton-lead collisions
剑桥 王
1:00 PM
Branching fraction and CPV measurements for Lambda_b/Xi_b -> Lambda h h' decays
晨煦 虞
(Peking University)
1:15 PM
Measurement of Lambda_b0, Lambda_c+ and Lambda decay parameters
禹昊 王
(Peiking University)
1:30 PM
Amplitude analysis of B- ->D-D0KS decay
爽 郑
1:45 PM
First determination of Xi_c(3055)+,0 spin-parity
关越 万
(Peking University)
2:00 PM
Study of the Xi_cc++ -> Xi_c0 pi+ pi+ decay
星昱 童
(Peking University)
2:15 PM
Amplitude analysis of Ds(2460)+ -> Ds+ pi+ pi- decay
Linxuan Zhu
2:30 PM
Amplitude analysis of B+ -> D*+ D- K+ decay
艺 蒋
蒋 艺
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2:45 PM
Evidence of CPV in B+ -> J/psi pi+ decay
曼殊 李
3:00 PM
Prospect for time dependent CPV in b->sll decays
可陈 李
3:15 PM
Search for Bs0 -> mu+ mu- gamma decay
翔宇 吴
3:30 PM
Coherent charmonium production in ultra-peripheral lead-lead collisions
Xiaolin Wang
3:45 PM
Z production in proton-lead collisions at 8.16 TeV
天齐 李
天齐 李