Nuclei containing strange quarks, which are called hypernuclei, are ideal hyperon-baryon bound systems for studying the hyperon-nucleon (Y-N) interactions and therefore been the subject of intense study.
The Y-N interaction, an important ingredient for the nuclear equation-of-state of astrophysical objects such as neutron stars, remains poorly constrained.
Moreover, the production mechanisms of hypernuclei are not well understood.
Measuring the hypernuclei can shed light on the production mechanisms and the role Y-N interaction plays at neutron stars densities.
Light hypernuclei are expected to be abundantly produced at low collision energies due to the high baryon density. The central-of-mass energies of STAR BES-II program including fixed target Au+Au collisions taken in 2018-2021 range from 3.0 GeV to 27 GeV, which offer great opportunity to study hypernuclei production.
In this talk, we will review the hypernuclei measurements from the STAR experiment, in which hypernuclei structure parameters such as yield, lifetime, flow, $\Lambda$ binding energy, branch ratio have been studied.