The year 2025 marks the 57th anniversary of the discovery of solar neutrinos, the 27th anniversary of the establishment of neutrino oscillation, the 22nd anniversary of the proposed Daya Bay neutrino experiment, and the second year of the Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment. At this critical juncture, the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Center for Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) and the Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Science and Technology jointly organized the Neutrino Summer School to review the history of neutrino physics and look forward to the future of neutrino physics.
The Neutrino Summer School will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province from August 17 to 24, 2025 (report on August 17 and leave on August 24). Graduate students and senior undergraduates are welcome to apply.
Neutrinos play an important role in the development of particle physics. In 1930, Pauli proposed the neutrino hypothesis to explain the continuous spectrum of electrons in Betta decay, and the neutrino later became a key link in Fermi's effective theory of the weak interaction in 1933, which can be said to be the benchmark of new physics from the beginning. Neutrinos played an important role in the hypothesis of the existence of the fourth quark after Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning proposed parity nonconservation in the weak interaction and the experimental discovery of muon-type neutrinos. To this day, the mixing of neutrino mass and lepton flavor remains the only new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics with a solid experimental basis. In addition, neutrinos are the only electrically neutral fermions in the Standard Model, and it is possible that they are Majorana particles, which can destroy the lepton number. Neutrinos are therefore an indispensable key to unlocking new physics.
- 招生对象:研究生、高年级本科生,欢迎有志于中微子理论和实验研究的年轻人申请。
- 会议组织:学员注册费1500元,统一安排住宿、费用自理;对于支付参会费用有困难的本科生,可申请减免。
- 申请材料:填写完整的申请表一份(见本页的word附件,转换成pdf格式)+ 一封推荐信(pdf格式)。两份材料合并成一个pdf文件,文件名格式:"姓名_学校_年级.pdf”(例:张三_北大_研究生一年级.pdf),发送到邮箱
- 截止日期:2025年6月1日
组委会成员:周 顺(中科院高能所)