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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

New QCD cosmology and phenomenology with Beyond the Standard Model

by Prof. Shinya Matsuzaki (Jilin University)

B105 (CHEP)




This talk plans to introduce a couple of recent new phenomenologies and cosmology related to the QCD phase transition epoch, coupled to Beyond the Standard Model, in the thermal history of the universe. Baryogenesis with a QCD-induced dynamical chemical potential (a la Higgs relaxation mechanism), strong CP problem, and gravitational wave predictions will be covered in scenarios of this class, which can also be embedded into the scalegenesis to address the dynamical origin of mass based on the classical scale invariance. Typical new physics accessible at the upcoming collider experiments are to be a dark eta-prime with mass of sub GeV and leptoquarks with mass of sub GeV, or sub TeV, which depends on the type of baryogenesis. Possible issues left necessary to persist in the future will also be addressed.

Shinya Matsuzaki is a professor at Jilin University. He obtained his PhD degree in 2007 from Nagoya University. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at North Carolina U., Pusan National U., and  Kyoto Sangyo University, and a junior faculty at Nagoya University before joining Jilin U. in 2018. His main research interests focus on particle physics and cosmology based on strong dynamics. 


Organized by

Dr. Takumi Kuwahara