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Electroweak precision measurement at LHCb

by Menglin Xu

122 Multidisciplinary Building

122 Multidisciplinary Building



The electroweak unification theory is one of the most successful theories in the Standard
Model, having precisely predicted and described the properties of fundamental particles
and their interactions. Precision measurements of the fundamental parameters of the
electroweak theory provide stringent tests of the Standard Model and offer indirect
searches for new physics. The LHCb experiment, designed for the forward region at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC), has demonstrated its capabilities in electroweak
physics studies with unique kinematic acceptance. This talk will cover most recent
results achieved by the LHCb experiment in the field of electroweak physics, including
the precision measurement of the W boson mass, studies of Z boson polarization and
production cross-sections, and the weak mixing angle measurements, 
which demonstrate the critical role of the LHCb experiment in precision electroweak
measurements. Finally, the talk will introduce the LHCb future plans on precision electroweak physics.

About the speaker:

Menglin Xu recevied her Ph.D degree from Central China Normal University in 2021. Since then, she
joined the University of Warwick (UK) as a postdoctoral research, and will move to
CERN as a Research Fellow in the coming months. During her Ph.D and postdoctoral preiods, she focused on
the electroweak physics at LHCb, with particular interests on the precision
measurements of electroweak boson properties. She was pointed as
the convener of the standard model physics analysis sub working-group. 
In 2023, she was awarded the LHCb Collaboration
Early Career Award for her contributions on the simulation, and in 2024 she
received the Warwick Postdoctoral Prize. Until now, she has been
invited to give 14 international conference talks, including 4 plenary talks, 
and published 8 papers in journals (PRL, JHEP, and EPJC).


Meeting ID 会议号: 87844509393
Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87844509393?pwd=mMgf3URgBw5Xo8i43bAfJXVIMWidSF.1
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