- Yuehong Xie (Central China Normal University)
大会报告: 邀请报告
- There are no conveners in this block
大会报告: CPV
- Yanxi Zhang (Peking University)
- Peilian Li (UCAS)
- 可陈 李 ()
大会报告: CKM+Charm
- Wenbin QIAN (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shanzhen Chen (IHEP, CAS)
- xiaokang zhou (Central China Normal University)
大会报告: LFU+Rare Decay
- Liang Sun (Wuhan University)
- Jibo HE (UCAS)
- Jiesheng Yu (88236572)
大会报告: 强子态
- Liming Zhang (Tsinghua University)
- Yiming 一鸣 Li 李 (IHEP)
- Liupan An (Peking University)
大会报告: HF+EW
- Hengne Li (South China Normal University)
- Xianglei Zhu (Tsinghua University)
大会报告: 讨论
- There are no conveners in this block
大会报告: 会议总结
- There are no conveners in this block