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215 (海纳苑8幢)



    • 13:00 13:30
      签到 215



    • 13:30 15:30
      Oral Presentations: Part I 215



      • 13:30
        Framework of Superconducting Quantum Processor’s simulation and optimization 12m
        Speaker: 王子昂
      • 13:42
        对称的神经网络态 12m
        Speaker: 鲍帅廷
      • 13:54
        Quantum thermodynamics of adiabatic processes 12m
        Speaker: Chayan Purkait
      • 14:06
        Boson-fermion universality of mesoscopic entanglement fluctuations in free systems 12m
        Speaker: 娄存忠
      • 14:18
        Intersection theory in Feynman parametrization 12m
        Speaker: 芦明铭
      • 14:30
        Elliptic Feynman Integrals in Normal Form Made Simple 12m
        Speaker: 张逸洋
      • 14:42
        Solutions for the Linear Waves in First-Order Spin Magneto-Hydrodynamics 12m
        Speaker: 方哲
      • 14:54
        Hidden symmetries in holographic conformal correlators 12m
        Speaker: 王波
      • 15:06
        Measurement of energy correlators inside Jets and gluon spin interference during parton shower at CMS 12m
        Speaker: 林桢
      • 15:18
        Research on Fuel Burnup in the Pebble Bed High-Temperature Reactor (HTTR) OTTO Cycle 12m
        Speaker: 江铭浩
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break/Poster Session 30m 215



    • 16:00 18:00
      Oral Presentations: Part II 215



      • 16:00
        Design of a high event rate proton CT with high RSP resolution 12m
        Speaker: 石煌超
      • 16:12
        Probing the global impact of AGN feedback 12m
        Speaker: 邱宇
      • 16:24
        Radiation versus Supernova Facilitated LyC Escape: How the Universe was Reionized 12m
        Speaker: Cody Carr
      • 16:36
        A full-spectrum fitting method and dust attenuation curve 12m
        Speaker: 卢家风
      • 16:48
        Properties of Cosmic-Ray Phosphorus Nuclei Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 12m
        Speaker: 骆首栋
      • 17:00
        黑洞X-ray双星的光学起源相关研究 12m
        Speaker: 杜迪湛
      • 17:12
        Resonance trapping and stability during Type I planet migration 12m
        Speaker: 林灵鸿
      • 17:24
        The morphologies of cluster hot gas halos in eROSITA All Sky Survey 12m
        Speaker: 缪景昊
      • 17:36
        Tide disruptions in MS-NS binary system 12m
        Speaker: 严恒峰
      • 17:48
        Black hole seed formation in dense globular cluster 12m
        Speaker: 熊毅
    • 18:00 20:00
      Dinner 2h 欧亚美国际酒店


    • 20:30 21:07
      Poster Uploading
      • 20:30
        Two-magnon bound state and quadrupole waves in Na₂BaNi(PO₄)₂ 1m
        Speaker: 徐蕾
      • 20:31
        Thermodynamic geometry of fluctuations in small heat engines 1m
        Speaker: Sema Seymen
      • 20:32
        Finite-rate quench in disordered Chern and Z2 topological insulators 1m
        Speaker: 杜胜男
      • 20:33
        A three-body form factor at sub-leading power in the high-energy limit: planar master integrals 1m
        Speaker: 郭义帅
      • 20:34
        Feynman integral reduction without IBP 1m
        Speaker: 王子文
      • 20:35
        Seiberg-Witten theory of quiver gauge theories decorated with antisymmetric matter 1m
        Speaker: 陈佳浩
      • 20:36
        Radiation Hardened Electronics Designs for a CMOS Image Sensor 1m
        Speaker: 李鹏戌
      • 20:37
        Design of A Fast Luminosity Monitor for the Super Tau-Charm Facility 1m
        Speaker: 鲍晨涛
      • 20:38
        基于确定论一步法软件的基准题验证与多物理场耦合 1m
        Speaker: 李俊
      • 20:39
        Resolving Multiphase CGM by GAMER-2 Cosmological Simulation 1m
        Speaker: Yuri Oku
      • 20:40
        NIHAO-RiNG: A Comparison of Simulated Disk Galaxies from GASOLINE and GIZMO 1m
        Speaker: 陈厚尊
      • 20:41
        LCDM宇宙中的大大尺度平面结构 1m
        Speaker: 江霄骐
      • 20:42
        关于系统早期动力学演化对行星分布情况的研究 1m
        Speaker: 沈昊
      • 20:43
        Disentangling the Impacts of Feedback, Environment, and Galaxy Interactions 1m
        Speaker: 蔡星耀
      • 20:44
        Exploring the origin of dark matter deficient galaxies with their outskirts 1m
        Speaker: 殷志浩
      • 20:45
        Dynamical evolution of the dark matter subhalos in the Milky Way 1m
        Speaker: 沈俊楠
      • 20:46
        关于光致蒸发触发流不稳定性产生星子的研究 1m
        Speaker: 应旭初
      • 20:47
        Intersection theory in Feynman parametrization 20m
        Speaker: 芦明铭